WooPHX in April: Shipping and Taxes
Hello hello. It is us, WooPHX. We’ve returned in April after taking March off to ensure Clancy could properly celebrate St. Patrick’s day in his authentic kilt (not pictured). This month we focused on important WooCommerce topics: our new WooPHX Dungeon Master, Jesus (pronounced jē’zəs), taught shared a three-minute primer on Dungeons and Dragons and…
WooPHX Last Month & This Month June/July
It’s our second month back from hiatus and Raquel is stretched out across the front row tables drinking a cocktail while Spencer Forman is projected across four screens in a much-too-large room, talking marketing automation and sales funnels in WooCommerce. The rest of the room is huddled (a questionable six feet apart) around a single…
WooPHX Returns!
The WooCommerce Phoenix meetup group will be returning to the valley with a monthly gathering at Galvanize on the third Thursday of every month. Join us for our official Welcome Back meetup on Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 6:30 pm. We’ll get acquainted (and re-acquainted) with introductions from everyone in attendance and we’ll close the…