WooPHX Returns!

The WooCommerce Phoenix meetup group will be returning to the valley with a monthly gathering at Galvanize on the third Thursday of every month.

Join us for our official Welcome Back meetup on Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 6:30 pm. We’ll get acquainted (and re-acquainted) with introductions from everyone in attendance and we’ll close the meetup with polls and discussions around topics for future meetups.

In-person attendance will be social-distanced and limited to 10 people. Please RSVP to reserve one of these extremely limited spots! We’ll have pizza and drinks provided by this month’s sponsor, LifterLMS.

Pemberton PHX
Join us for our beloved after-hangs at the newly opened Pemberton PHX.

If you can’t make it in-person (or don’t want to), a Zoom live stream event will be available and virtual attendees will be able to network, discuss, and ask questions.

Planning to attend, need directions, or have questions? Visit the events on meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/WooCommerce-PHX/

Location & Directions

Galvanize – Phoenix
515 E Grant St · Phoenix, AZ

After entering the building look for the large glass double doors on your right (and the signs for the meetup). Head through the doors and follow the signs as far back as you can go. The organizers will be on the lookout to help get you to the meetup room as well!