WooPHX in April: Shipping and Taxes

Hello hello. It is us, WooPHX. We’ve returned in April after taking March off to ensure Clancy could properly celebrate St. Patrick’s day in his authentic kilt (not pictured).

This month we focused on important WooCommerce topics: our new WooPHX Dungeon Master, Jesus (pronounced jē’zəs), taught shared a three-minute primer on Dungeons and Dragons and then we learned that (some) Pokemon have genders.

The male and female Pikachu. Note the differences in tail shape.

Towards the end of our meetup we talked shop, continuing with part four of our Getting Started series. We discussed the finer points of the complicated world of shipping physical products and the surprisingly less-complicated setup of taxes.

According to our strict customs, we reconvened for food and drink, this time at Wilderness Brewery.

Join us in May for Part 5: SEO, Analytics, and reporting.

If you have anything you’d like us to touch on next month leave a comment below!