WooPHX Last Month & This Month June/July

It’s our second month back from hiatus and Raquel is stretched out across the front row tables drinking a cocktail while Spencer Forman is projected across four screens in a much-too-large room, talking marketing automation and sales funnels in WooCommerce. The rest of the room is huddled (a questionable six feet apart) around a single laptop listening to Spencer through its speakers because, despite an arguably high combined technological intelligence, we can’t make the audio come through the room’s PA.

Spencer speaking at our June Meetup!

We’re over here running a hybrid virtual/in-person meetup and if you’re not stopping by Galvanize on the third Thursday of every month you’re missing out on the fantastic time we’re having and we’d like you to join in and help us eat pizza and goof off and then bring it around to learn some things to help improve our skills.

Clancy, Dave, & Thomas

Like, for example, did you ever think about WooCommerce as a tool to literally sell a tag in your CRM? Or have you ever considered that order bumps on a checkout page are the same exact thing as a Snickers bar by the cash register at Fry’s? Spencer’s been thinking about and working on, these questions and we got to know his strategies and frameworks last month!

Justin & Raquel reppin’ WordCamp PHX ????

We’re so excited to see you all this Thursday as we welcome WooCommerce Engineer Jeff Stieler! Jeff will be giving us A Tour of WooCommerce Admin and we cannot wait to meet him! Please RSVP for our in-person event or our virtual event! We’d love to meet you!