
AI Tools

Featured image with blue background and schematic drawings with a WordPress Logo on top.

East Valley meetup: July 2023

“Plugging Into The Future: Exploring AI Tools for WordPress and Beyond”

Creating Content and Improving SEO

A real chat with AI

  • List the top 10 SEO keywords based on the content found on this website, https://exampledomain.com
  • Our company does XXXX. Are there any keywords that are missing and that we should consider adding to our list?
  • Our blog can be found at xxxxxxxx. Based on these new keywords, can you recommend blog topics that we have not already included on our blog?
  • Pick one of the blog post titles that it gave you and then type the prompt, “Create a bulleted outline of 5 to 7 things to include in a blog post with the title, “XXXXXXXXXXXXX”. Write an introductory paragraph for this blog post.
  • Analyze our blog posts at https://xxxxxxxxxx.com and create a list of topic clusters identifying the topic and the blog posts in the topic. Put this data into a table where the blog posts are formatted with bullet points and on a separate line.

Improving content

Credit to Kyle Deusen from The Admin Bar. You can watch the YouTube Video here.

Get FAQ’s


At the end of this prompt, I’m going to paste in all the text from a blog post I wrote. I want you to create a list of all the questions that this blog post answers.

Please format your response in a “Question and Answer” format that I can use for an FAQ section in my blog post.

You will be creating the questions, but using the text from my blog post as the answers. I would like a minimum of 5 questions and no more than 10.

Here is the text from the blog post:

Rich Formatting

PROMPT: Is there any information from my blog post that you could put into a table?

PROMPT: Is there any information from my blog post that you could turn into a checklist to help people?

PROMPT: Can you provide me with a “Too long; didn’t read” section for the top of this blog post that will quickly summarize the content of this blog post? It should be no more than 3-4 sentences.

PROMPT: Can you provide me with 2 or 3 lines from my original blog post that would make for good blockquotes? Something profound that should be emphasized?

Social Posts (Twitter Thread)


I want you to create an interesting and engaging Twitter thread that summarizes the main points of this article and then gets the reader to click the link to read the full article.

The first tweet should start using the “open loop” technique, or have some kind of cliffhanger (this will encourage people to read the thread). All of the subsequent Tweets should be a complete thought.

The final Tweet should be the call to action.

Do not number the Tweets.

Use appropriate hashtags and or emoji’s when applicable — but do not overdo this.

Make sure the length of each Tweet is no more than 280 characters so that it’s formatted properly for Twitter.

Here’s the post:

WordPress Plugins

Featured image with blue background and schematic drawings with a WordPress Logo on top.

The title of this presentation was created by Magai.co AI and the featured image was created by Canva AI.

AI Sites

A TINY sliver of the tip of the iceberg of tools available.

AI Prompts


  • Generate a list of 50 blog post topics about…
  • Write a conclusion for this blog post…
  • Generate a list of 3 blog post title ideas for a post about X. (Ie. Aspen Family Ski Vacations)
  • Create a blog post outline for…
  • Organize this list of keywords into topical clusters.
  • Create 5 social media messages to promote this content to X who does Y.
  • Write a response to this email.
  • “Come up with 10 hex color codes for a color palette to evoke <emotion>”

Business Strategy Prompts

  • Develop a social media advertising campaign using the “Awareness-Interest-Desire-Action” framework to generate buzz and drive conversions for [product/service] among [target audience].
  • Develop a branding and positioning strategy for [Company Name] to differentiate it from competitors [Competitor 1] and [Competitor 2] and to build a strong brand identity. Define the target audience, brand messaging, visual elements, and communication channels to establish [Company Name] as a market leader in [Industry].
  • Craft a competitive analysis report using the “Identify-Analyze-Compare-Strategize” framework to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of [product/service] in relation to competitors and develop effective marketing strategies. Product or service= [Insert Here] Competitor #1= [Insert Here] Competitor #2= [Insert Here]

    Develop a partnership proposal using the “Research-Approach-Negotiate-Execute” framework to establish strategic alliances and collaborations for promoting [product/service] among relevant businesses or organizations.

    Product/service = [Insert Here]
    Target Audience = [Insert Here]

Meeting Notes

An AI tool called Krisp.ai listened to the Zoom call and took the notes below. We have given a name to this AI, and her name is Ricklyn. Here are Ricklyn’s notes.

<paste notes here>