Tempe Meetup October 2019 – Your Brand Origin Story

~ Idea Swap

  1. What seems to take too much time in the beginning can benefit greatly in the end
  2. Question: What can replace My Body software?

Answer: Active Campaign, Sprout Social, Mail Chimp, Constant Contact

  1. Tools: Google’s new plugins: Google Sidekick (will let you integrate google services into your Word Press site); Native Lazy Load (allows you to load images/site faster without slowing your site down) requires PHP7
  2. Service: Termaggedon (privacy plugin) gdpr, easy script tool, $10/mo, keeps up with state privacy law updates (NV, CA, etc.)
  3. Question: Any smart way to start a trilingual or multilingual site?

Answer: WPML, handles multilingual sites but you have to manage all sites

  1. Plugin: WPGRAPHQL, gives a lot of tools on Word Press


  1. Useful Book: The 10 Stories Great Leaders Tell by Paul Smith (Examples of leader’s ways of doing something and use of examples)

~Amber Pechin: Your Brand’s Origin Story

  1. Three outcomes
  2. Think differently
  3. Creativity
  4. Fun
  5. Amber: Co-owner of Amplitude Media
  6. Amplitude Media: Makes ideas bigger and more fun
  7. Super Nerd: Is equipped with the ability to transform boring things into fun things
  8. *SPOILER* Is not an actual superhero
  9. Question: What makes an origin story?

Answer: An account or backstory revealing how a character or group of people became who they are and gives meaning to their existence in the story

  1. History: Who they were before they became a hero/villain?
  2. Catalyst: What gave them their powers or abilities
  3. Motivation: Why are they doing what they are doing now, what happened to them that makes them do what they do
  4. If you don’t have a backstory, you have questions like:
  5. Who is this guy/girl?
  6. Why is he/she flying (if they fly for some reason)?
  7. Is he/she good or bad?
  8. Where did he/she come from?
  9. What is he/she trying to do?
  10. “A thing, design thinking has been described as anything from ‘a unified framework for innovation’ yo the ‘essential tool for simplifying and humanizing.”

– Quote from Jo Szczepanska- Examples of Brands who have Origin Stories: KFC, McDonalds, United States of America, etc.- 7 Story Archetypes:

  1. Overcoming the Monster
  2. Rags to Riches
  3. The Quest
  4. The Voyage and Return
  5. Comedy
  6. Tragedy
  7. Rebirth
  1. How to become the hero:

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength when in despair

  1. Overcoming the Monster

Overcoming a campaign, or a different company, therefore slaying the monster

  1. Rags to Riches

Example(s): Green Arrow Backstory: Marooned on a Desert Island, he has to learn to arch to survive; JK Rowling: Went from a poor single mom to one of the richest people in the world from her book; Basically failure to success

  1. The Quest

Overcoming a challenge in order to get something, such as success or, in superhero cases, the girl/guy and victory

  1. Voyage and return

Changing your life, doing something you either need to do or have a passion for no matter what comes in your way

  1. Comedy

Triumph over circumstances with usally a happy or comical ending, this can happen in real life, not just movies

  1. Tragedy

About someone who overreaches their power, causing someone else pain, most likely the main character

  1. Rebirth

Starts out high and ends on a high, takes someone from a high place and makes them better in the endExample: Megamind: He is a villain that ends up rebirthing because the hero he is fighting goes on a break

  1. Foundation for Your Origin Story
  2. What you plan to do
  3. How you plan to do it
  4. Who you do it for
  5. And why you do it
  1. Who do you think you are?
  2. What do you want people to think/feel about your company?
  3. What is your client getting from you?
  4. Who are your customers?
  5. Think of your ideal client
  6. What is your client going to get from you?
  1. What are you actually selling?
  2. What is your product?
  3. How does your product change your client’s life?

*PLOT TWIST!* You are not the hero! Your customer is!- How do you help your customer become the hero? The hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

  1. Four Types of Superpowers
  2. Give people power
  3. Enhance Existing Power
  4. Help Them Discover the Power Inside Themselves
  5. Happy Little Accidents
  6. How You Tell the Story Matters
  1. Give People Power Such as:
  2. Tools
  3. Education
  4. And Skills
  5. Enhance Existing Power Such As:
  6. Advanced Tools
  7. Continuing Education
  8. Products that Make life Better, Faster, and Easier
  1. Help Them Discover the Power Inside Themselves, Examples:
  2. Discover Who They Really Are
  3. Make the Best Use of Their Internal Power
  1. Happy Little Accidents
  2. There are no happy little accidents!
  1. How You Tell the Story, It Matters:
  2. Position Your Client as the Hero

(If Amber is Reading This) Thank you Amber for all of this advice!~Show and tellAudio Powered Content Distribution Platform: Enables audio for textTo Learn More: Slack- Abhilash Chavala623-282-2793(Sorry for so short notes on Show and Tell, I couldn’t get it all down quick enough)
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