~ Idea Swap
- What seems to take too much time in the beginning can benefit greatly in the end
- Question: What can replace My Body software?
Answer: Active Campaign, Sprout Social, Mail Chimp, Constant Contact
- Tools: Google’s new plugins: Google Sidekick (will let you integrate google services into your Word Press site); Native Lazy Load (allows you to load images/site faster without slowing your site down) requires PHP7
- Service: Termaggedon (privacy plugin) gdpr, easy script tool, $10/mo, keeps up with state privacy law updates (NV, CA, etc.)
- Question: Any smart way to start a trilingual or multilingual site?
Answer: WPML, handles multilingual sites but you have to manage all sites
- Plugin: WPGRAPHQL, gives a lot of tools on Word Press
- Useful Book: The 10 Stories Great Leaders Tell by Paul Smith (Examples of leader’s ways of doing something and use of examples)
~Amber Pechin: Your Brand’s Origin Story
- Three outcomes
- Think differently
- Creativity
- Fun
- Amber: Co-owner of Amplitude Media
- Amplitude Media: Makes ideas bigger and more fun
- Super Nerd: Is equipped with the ability to transform boring things into fun things
- *SPOILER* Is not an actual superhero
- Question: What makes an origin story?
Answer: An account or backstory revealing how a character or group of people became who they are and gives meaning to their existence in the story
- History: Who they were before they became a hero/villain?
- Catalyst: What gave them their powers or abilities
- Motivation: Why are they doing what they are doing now, what happened to them that makes them do what they do
- If you don’t have a backstory, you have questions like:
- Who is this guy/girl?
- Why is he/she flying (if they fly for some reason)?
- Is he/she good or bad?
- Where did he/she come from?
- What is he/she trying to do?
- “A thing, design thinking has been described as anything from ‘a unified framework for innovation’ yo the ‘essential tool for simplifying and humanizing.”
– Quote from Jo Szczepanska- Examples of Brands who have Origin Stories: KFC, McDonalds, United States of America, etc.- 7 Story Archetypes:
- Overcoming the Monster
- Rags to Riches
- The Quest
- The Voyage and Return
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Rebirth
- How to become the hero:
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength when in despair
- Overcoming the Monster
Overcoming a campaign, or a different company, therefore slaying the monster
- Rags to Riches
Example(s): Green Arrow Backstory: Marooned on a Desert Island, he has to learn to arch to survive; JK Rowling: Went from a poor single mom to one of the richest people in the world from her book; Basically failure to success
- The Quest
Overcoming a challenge in order to get something, such as success or, in superhero cases, the girl/guy and victory
- Voyage and return
Changing your life, doing something you either need to do or have a passion for no matter what comes in your way
- Comedy
Triumph over circumstances with usally a happy or comical ending, this can happen in real life, not just movies
- Tragedy
About someone who overreaches their power, causing someone else pain, most likely the main character
- Rebirth
Starts out high and ends on a high, takes someone from a high place and makes them better in the endExample: Megamind: He is a villain that ends up rebirthing because the hero he is fighting goes on a break
- Foundation for Your Origin Story
- What you plan to do
- How you plan to do it
- Who you do it for
- And why you do it
- Who do you think you are?
- What do you want people to think/feel about your company?
- What is your client getting from you?
- Who are your customers?
- Think of your ideal client
- What is your client going to get from you?
- What are you actually selling?
- What is your product?
- How does your product change your client’s life?
*PLOT TWIST!* You are not the hero! Your customer is!- How do you help your customer become the hero? The hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
- Four Types of Superpowers
- Give people power
- Enhance Existing Power
- Help Them Discover the Power Inside Themselves
- Happy Little Accidents
- How You Tell the Story Matters
- Give People Power Such as:
- Tools
- Education
- And Skills
- Enhance Existing Power Such As:
- Advanced Tools
- Continuing Education
- Products that Make life Better, Faster, and Easier
- Help Them Discover the Power Inside Themselves, Examples:
- Discover Who They Really Are
- Make the Best Use of Their Internal Power
- Happy Little Accidents
- There are no happy little accidents!
- How You Tell the Story, It Matters:
- Position Your Client as the Hero
(If Amber is Reading This) Thank you Amber for all of this advice!~Show and tellAudio Powered Content Distribution Platform: Enables audio for textTo Learn More: Slack- Abhilash Chavala623-282-2793(Sorry for so short notes on Show and Tell, I couldn’t get it all down quick enough)
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